Paddy, Motivation, ConnectionAbstract
This study aims to analyze the level of farmer motivation and the relationship between internal and external factors of farmers on farmer motivation in farming rice in Tanarara Village, Lewa District, East Sumba Regency. The research was conducted in Tanarara Village for three months, namely from June 2023 to July 2023. The number of samples in this study were 69 rice farmers, and sampling was carried out randomly. To determine the level of farmer motivation, data analysis was carried out using a Likert scale, and to determine the relationship between internal and external factors of farmers and the level of farmer motivation, a correlation analysis was carried out with the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient test. The results of this study explain that the motivation level of farmers in trying to farm rice in Tanarara Village is in the very high category. The results of the analysis of the relationship between the internal factors of farmers and the motivation of farmers in farming paddy rice in Tanarara Village explained that the age factor had no relationship with farmer motivation, the education factor had a very weak opposite direction relationship with farmer motivation, the income factor had a very strong unidirectional relationship with farmer motivation, and the experience factor had a strong unidirectional relationship with farmer motivation. The results of the analysis of the relationship between the external factors of farmers and the motivation of farmers in farming paddy rice in Tanarara Village explained that the capital assistance factor and the selling price factor had a very weak unidirectional relationship with farmer motivation, pest and plant disease factors had a very weak opposite relationship with farmer motivation, and the extension intensity factor had no relationship with farmer motivation
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