
  • Yelia Hada Rewa Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi, Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba
  • Junaedin Wadu Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi, Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba


Corn, Marketing, Marketing Margins, Marketing Efficiency


This study aims to analyze the corn marketing channel in Makamenggit Village, Nggaha Ori Angu District, East Sumba Regency. The selection of Makamenggit Village was carried out with the consideration that the village is one of the corn-producing villages, with the majority of the population working as corn farmers. The research was conducted for 4 months, from October 2022 to January 2023. The sample of farmers in this study was 75 farmers. The sampling technique for farmers used simple random sampling technique, while the method used to determine marketing agency respondents was the snowball sampling method. To analyze the pattern of corn marketing channels in Makamenggit Village, it was analyzed using descriptive analysis method. To analyze prices at the farmer and final consumer level, marketing margin calculations were carried out for each marketing channel in Makamengit Village. The results of the corn marketing channel analysis in the study explained that there were 4 corn marketing channels in Makamenggit Village. Marketing channel I: farmers – consumers. Marketing channel II: farmers - retailers - consumers. Marketing channel III: farmers - wholesalers - consumers. Marketing channels IV: farmers - wholesalers - retailers - consumers. In marketing channel I there is no marketing margin. In the second marketing channel there is a marketing margin of IDR 1,500/Kg. In marketing channel III there is a marketing margin of IDR 1,300/Kg. In the IV marketing channel there is a marketing margin of IDR 1,800/Kg. All corn marketing channels are in the efficient category. marketing channel I is the most efficient marketing channel, with an efficiency value of 6.67%. While the marketing channels that are generally used by farmers in Makamenggit Village in marketing corn, namely marketing channel III has an efficiency value of 11%, and marketing channel IV has an efficiency value of 15.45%


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